What's your divination tool of the trade? Great divining rods are made with Witch Hazel! Used in spells, the leaves lead you to new resources or finds what was lost.
Going for a trip—on the astral plane? Prepare a Wormwood tea to ward off low vibrations and clear your psychic channels. Its herbaceous scent is also ideal for insect repellant sachets.
Plagued with sluggish energy levels? Burdock lights your fire and gets your momentum going! Classic Chinese Medicine favors recipes with this root for its mobilizing benefits.
Do the fae invite you to explore their world? You're a lucky one! Thyme Leaf is a classic garden witch herb, perfect for kitchen witchery and offerings to nature spirits.
Barberry Bark binds those that seek to do harm. A thorny shrub, it energetically pierces what ails you. Feel released from negativity when working with it in reversal spells.
Spicy and pungent, yet sweet, Juniper Berries are a natural powerhouse to unblock stagnation. Grind the berries for a warming skin care routine to energize the body.