Boneset sends your energy up and your enemies out! This bitter plant's magical properties cast negativity around you into outer darkness. Drink it as a hot infusion to uncross hexes.
A protective medicine bag is an empath's best friend! Don Bilberry Leaf to get your auric boundaries on lockdown. If someone threatens them, look them in their third eye to deflect it.
Stress got you feeling uptight? Senna Leaf loosens up constriction and smooths the rough edges of your psyche. Use it in a cleansing tea when you feel the need to purge old energy.
Not today, evil eye! The sweet, purifying smoke of these soft purple flowers reduce anxiety by day and and promote sleep by night. Place Lavender under your pillow as part of your nightly ritual.
Restless mind? Soothe your nerves with a Valerian Root bath soak for deep relaxation and a calm mind. Its sedating properties also lend itself to a sleep aid tea.
Sacred to Crone Goddesses, the Elder tree blesses magical practitioners with its wisdom of the ages—its cultivation was 4,000 years ago. Use its flowers in magic for longevity.