Need a pick-me-up? Many rootwork traditions honor Yellow Dock for its full spectrum of magical benefits, from cleansing stagnant energy to opening up opportunities.
Feeling uncentered? Uva Ursi acts as a tonic for the body, mind and spirit. Partner with it to attune your psychic connection with the Universe and use its leaves as ritual offerings.
You need a break! Sip some Spearmint tea and let relaxation set in. The coolest of all the mints, it opens up the Throat Chakra to support clear communication and deep breathing.
The sweet flavor of Licorice Root lends itself to attracting passionate relationships. Chewing it releases intense flavor that stimulates your love and lust spells.
Looking for a natural aphrodisiac to increase strength and stamina? Take Fenugreek Seeds before bedtime as part of your daily Ayurvedic ritual—Dinacharya in Sanskrit.
Need extra support practicing self-care? Rosehips has it! Under the waxing Moon, brew a tea or make your own infusion with this floral superfood to nourish intentions and attract love.
You're not alone in your pain. Work with plant teachers to build your natural healing abilities. Centaury mended the wound of Chiron—the immortal centaur and healer in Greek mythology.
When working with Mandrake Root, sympathetic or imitative magic takes form. Its human shape makes it a perfect poppet to add to your craft for hexes and health.
Solomen's Seal is a heavily Saturnian plant. It's the boss at removing obstacles, banishing negativity and directing spells. Keep it in the corners of your home to ward off spirits.
When life looks cloudy and you feel disconnected, enlist the help of a lightbringer like Lemon Balm Leaf. This herb calms anxious thoughts, frees the inner child and uplifts the soul.