Looking for versatile ingredienst? Use Black Walnut Hull Powder in natural hair dyes, astringent salves, cleansing teas and charmwork blessings. Better yet, use it in uncrossing magic!
You need a break! Sip some Spearmint tea and let relaxation set in. The coolest of all the mints, it opens up the Throat Chakra to support clear communication and deep breathing.
In a negative space? Ancient Hebrew purification rituals burned Hyssop's fragrant leaves as incense—it's called Azob, meaning "holy herb." It's a warm, bitter plant with a sweet scent.
Creative block? When it gets dark, St. John's Wort brightens your sights and gives you strength. It also supports inner child work to be true to yourself.
Going for a trip—on the astral plane? Prepare a Wormwood tea to ward off low vibrations and clear your psychic channels. Its herbaceous scent is also ideal for insect repellant sachets.
Reawaken your zest for life! Echinacea is a healing herb that gives you the confidence and strength to overcome challenges. Make a decoction with its roots to energize your wellbeing.
If you're in the middle of a storm, Arnica quells the chaotic forces around you. Adding the yellow flowers to your magical potions is like sunshine in a bottle.
Feeling heavy? Cape Aloe Powder is a nourishing ingredient for your skin salves. Also called bitter aloe, its cooling and moisturizing nature hint to its lunar properties in herbalism.
Need a pick-me-up? Many rootwork traditions honor Yellow Dock for its full spectrum of magical benefits, from cleansing stagnant energy to opening up opportunities.
Feeling uncentered? Uva Ursi acts as a tonic for the body, mind and spirit. Partner with it to attune your psychic connection with the Universe and use its leaves as ritual offerings.