Entering a new cycle? Treat yourself to the benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf tea! Its energetics are cooling, drying and astringent—ideal for finding rhythm within waves of emotions.
Contemplating your existence within the microcosm and macrocosm? Just the usual. Anise Seeds awaken your inner philosopher and broadens your view, enhancing clairvoyance and divination.
In a negative space? Ancient Hebrew purification rituals burned Hyssop's fragrant leaves as incense—it's called Azob, meaning "holy herb." It's a warm, bitter plant with a sweet scent.
Got the blues? Bright yellow and gold petals lift your spirits with their sunny disposition. Carry a charm bag with Calendula to radiate positivity and generate a successful outlook.
Boneset sends your energy up and your enemies out! This bitter plant's magical properties cast negativity around you into outer darkness. Drink it as a hot infusion to uncross hexes.
Nothing compares to crafting your own incense! Benzoin Gum Powder is a popular fixative with vanilla base notes. Achieve that perfect custom blend with this Asian tropical tree resin.
Don't know which way to go? Willow is sacred to the Goddess of the Crossroads Hekate. Willow Bark deepens your relationship with the Dark Mother and transforms the pain of the unknown.
A protective medicine bag is an empath's best friend! Don Bilberry Leaf to get your auric boundaries on lockdown. If someone threatens them, look them in their third eye to deflect it.