Bright and scarlet. Potent and fiery. Dragon's Blood Magical Oil amps up any of your spellwork! Use to intensify results, especially in protection, self-confidence and sexual expression magic.
Cool. Fresh. Relaxing. Peppermint is a hardy plant with many diverse uses for overall wellbeing. Sprinkle this herb in your scared space for high vibrational energy.
It takes strength to look within. Many Native American tribes regard Osha Root as Bear Medicine, blessing you with wisdom. Spiritual uses include offerings or wearing it as a talisman.
The sweet flavor of Licorice Root lends itself to attracting passionate relationships. Chewing it releases intense flavor that stimulates your love and lust spells.
In a negative space? Ancient Hebrew purification rituals burned Hyssop's fragrant leaves as incense—it's called Azob, meaning "holy herb." It's a warm, bitter plant with a sweet scent.
Restocking kitchen witchery basics? Check Fennel Seeds off your list! In Ayurvedic recipes, it's a tridoshic herb for all constitutions. Their sweet, aromatic scent quickens the mind.
The lunar energies of Eucalyptus Leaf nurture and heal, and its airy properties cut through negativity. When you need extra support, use them to swifly raise your vibration.
When you're exploring the astral plane, Mugwort provides you with enhanced protection and prophecy for your journey. Brew a dream tea with its leaves to recall your experience.
Looking for a natural aphrodisiac to increase strength and stamina? Take Fenugreek Seeds before bedtime as part of your daily Ayurvedic ritual—Dinacharya in Sanskrit.