When you're exploring the astral plane, Mugwort provides you with enhanced protection and prophecy for your journey. Brew a dream tea with its leaves to recall your experience.
Energetically, Mullein Leaf addresses constriction and instills courage. Create your own herbal smoking blend recipe with it as a base for a smooth, light smoke.
Saw Palmetto Berries are a pelvic tonic for any gender! Mix it into your glamour magic daily routine to highlight your inner and outer beauty and empower sexuality and confidence.
Life tests you sometimes. Before you lose your last nerve, get Chamomile! Steep these flowers before bedtime for a relaxing tea to still your mind and drift away to dream land.
Missed some herbs on your last foraging trip? No worries! Keep Dandelion Root stocked in your herbal pantry for an herbal cleanse. It broadens your view to see the bigger picture.
The lunar energies of Eucalyptus Leaves nurture and heal, and their airy properties cut through negativity. When you need extra support, use them to swifly raise your vibration.
If you take your psychic self-defense seriously, protect yourself with the powers of Elderberries. A recipe for homemade Elderberry syrup is a tonic for the soul.
Passionate Hibiscus is a powerful aphrodisiac. The flowers' lovely red, orange, pink and purple hues liven up your cup of tea, and the colors are also pretty as a natural dye.
Got your eye on someone special? Ginkgo Leaf focuses your passion and clears your mind. Pair this essential plant with a fossil in longevity spells to really work your magic.
Not today, evil eye! The sweet, purifying smoke of these soft purple flowers reduce anxiety by day and and promote sleep by night. Place Lavender under your pillow as part of your nightly ritual.