Psychic attacks test your aura's strength. Healthy boundaries and personal power are first lines of defense. To absorb negativity burn a black Affirmation Guardian Protector Candle.
Lakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of Good Luck. She bestows her blessings to stewards of sacred spaces. Cleanliness is next to godliness! Enrich your life with Lakshmi Power Votive Candles.
Nothing says romantic mood lighting quite like flickering flames of hot red candles. Open your heart with Attraction & Love Power Votives. The lavender and spice scent is irresistible.
When you listen to plant teachers, may you hear the loving voice of sweetgrass and see the beauty around you. Sweetgrass Power Votive Candle clears and replenishes your energy.
Spellwork to build financial stability starts with the element Earth. Stability Power Votives awaken your self-worth. Brown candle meanings include grounding and animal spirits.
Lightworkers reflect inner light to the outer world. Spiritual Cleansing Power Votive Candles also work as beacons in the dark. White candles alight in your house expel negativity.
Psychic attacks test your aura's strength. Healthy boundaries and personal power are first lines of defense. To absorb negative energy burn a black Protection Power Votive Candle.
Abundance only lives where it can breathe. Give your blessings room to prosper by keeping an open heart. Green Prosperity Power Votive Candles add richness to your prosperity spells.
See several moves ahead in the game with the Problem Solving Power Votive Candle. This honey hued, honeysuckle scented candle clears your head. Now to find that missing puzzle piece!
Out with the old and in with the new! The Needed Change Power Votive is a cream colored candle with a strong sandalwood scent. Burn it when you're going through times of transition.
Money woes? Remember that your internal self-worth affects your outer stability. Manifest abundance with a Money Draw Power Votive. These green candles add richness to your spells.